composer | media artist


Sound Design courses | 2021–

From September 2021, I'm holding one-semester creative Sound Design courses in English, in Budapest for foreign university students (Ireland, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Turkie, Serbia, Slovakia):

In the course students will learn the processes of creative sound design in general. The curriculum discusses the most important basic theoretical and practical issues of the topic, mentioning spectral sound, timbre, sound synthesis, electroacoustic music, acoustics, psychoacoustics, graphic music notation, sound recording, editing, processing and mixing. Learning is done with the best quality equipment and software such as Apple Macs, Max MSP etc. The course may include occasional studio or concert visits. During the semester, students will learn about how to create their own sound design materials, and they will complete the course with an appropriate practical exam, for example, making a soundtrack for a short documentary or animated film, or writing and producing a standalone electroacoustic piece of music.
Feedback (2023 Spring and 2023 Autumn Semesters):

What did you like about the course?

  • „Working in different programs and analysing sound waves.”
  • „How much we went into detail.”
  • „Everything. Amazing class and the teacher is very engaged and passionate about every topic.”
  • „Extremely professional teacher, very kind, too.”
  • „Amazing and very knowledgeable professor.”
  • „Everything.”

Has the course taught you anything new?

  • „Yes, it taught me a lot of things about sound design, and it taught me how to work in many different sound editing programs.”
  • „I really feel like I have a better understanding of how sound works and even my ears have gotten better in terms of differentiating sounds, layers and pitches.”
  • „Yes.”
  • „A lot.”
  • „Yes, it was very comprehensive.”
  • „Yes, a lot.”

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