stereo audio | 4′24″ | © 2017 Akos Janca
- description | etude for graphical additive sound synthesis
- realization | drawn microtonal stereo spectrogram
- summary | The piece is based on a 65.4 Hz frequency pure sinewave (the great C note). Its additional harmonics are created artificially, resulting changes in composition of spectrum, rhythm and volume.
- premiere | 7 June 2017, Liszt Academy, Budapest, HU
SPEKTRA, excerpt • pulsation and noise that builds up and then fades into one
SPEKTRA, excerpt • offset, tinkling overtone-garlands
SPEKTRA, excerpt • a close up of two small sinusoidal components, approx. 8 cents apart and shifted in time, approx. with 60 ms attack
SPEKTRA, excerpt • contrast of comb-like complementary spectrum components: one continuous, the other intermittent, accelerating-decelerating
SPEKTRA, excerpt • rhythmic contrast: accelerating and decelerating pulsating components close together
SPEKTRA, excerpt • nice tinkling sound: components out of time, then synchronizing, coming together into one sound
SPEKTRA, excerpt • inverse timbre-melody (v-shaped sweep, notch filtering), which eventually blends into the harmonic spectrum
SPEKTRA, excerpt • recurring v-shaped principles: in time, amplitude etc.
SPEKTRA, excerpt • moving the timbre by changing the amplitude of the spectrum components (and also dashing)
SPEKTRA, excerpt • time-synchronizing components approx. a semitone apart (at the line) and then shifting them again
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